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Welcome to our new site

For the past year we have been working hard on wanting to improve your user experience. Finding the products you need and want, having a read at some of our hints and tips and of course reading some great articles about sailing and events. In order to achieve this a new platform was required, for us we went with Shopify, providing a stable, safe and secure platform for all of our customers. 

Over the next few weeks we will continue to refine and make better our website and as you use our site, we will monitor how your user experiences are working out. Feedback is always needed and so if you want to chat online with us, send an email or phone please do so, always wanting to hear from you. 

Email: sales@roostersailing.com

Call: +44 (0) 1243 389997

Online chat: Checkout the chat link bottom right of site

In the meantime retrieving your existing account details via a password reset or creating a new account will enable you to check your details are correct.

Couple of quick links: 

Retrieve your existing account Click here 

(using the password reset option will achieve this) 

Create a new account click here

(you can also create a new account at the checkout stage)

Finally, we have put together a "Getting Started" video that will take you through how to search for a product, checkout, retrieve and create an account.  

Hope you enjoy!

Best Wishes 

Luke Morrison

Email: Luke@roostersailing.com

Mobile: +44 (0) 7508 33 11 55